Insight is a dream combination of design/build services. It offers design, drafting, engineering, and permit services with actual building prices during the process so the Customers achieve their goals: being able to actually ‘build’ their dream homes, not just design them.
This full service architectural firm was created by Via Homes to provide their own customers with one-on-one design and drafting services that culminate with build-able plans.
Architectural firms independent of general contracting, disconnected from the realities of construction and construction logistics, can only ‘guess’ at what costs are to build a home often erring to feel-good numbers versus what in reality costs really are. Without an experienced general involved, plans can also miss opportunities for value engineering. A few well-offered value engineering suggestions could pay for a set of plans.
For General Contractors who have their own design layouts
or provide plan sets needing revisions only, Insight also provides drafting
only services with turn key engineering for permit-ready plan sets.
Attendants: Customer, Drafting Manager, Drafter, Via Homes Sales & Estimating.
Optional: Via’s Chief of Construction
- Determine the size and style of project
- Review any layouts, ideas or pictures Customer has complied to convey their design dream
- General review of building site via customer-provided information
- Surveys, legal description, set-back information, lot coverage restrictions,
- Discussion of codes, both municipal and private community (HOA),
that impact the Project’s design
- Estimate of plan costs
- Design deposit (1/2 of Design Fee)
- Set design appointment with architect
- Draft Project’s Program (dream points) into written form. This Program is created for Customer based on an in-depth interview and Insight’s Project Questionnaire.
Present on phone: Customer and Drafter
- Drafter calls Customer and collects measurements of furniture pieces significant to Customer; such as Grandmother’s china hutch, dining room table, sofas, easy chairs; bedroom sets with names of the room’s occupant to later correctly place on floor plan
- Drafter creates this furniture to same scale as architect’s floor plan scale
Customer receives via fax or email a written Project Program based on the Initial Visit’s in depth interview. Customer to review, note any needed clarifications, approve and return.
Attendants: Customer, Drafter, Architect, Via Homes Sales & Chief
of Construction. Optional: Surveyor
- Physical inspection of site to determine access points/issues
- Locate potential key vistas on topo or boundary maps
- Note any curb cuts or roadway requirements
- Note significant monuments or vegetation present
- Note utility supply points if visible
- Order boundary and/or topographical survey if necessary
- Architect to attend if terrain or vistas warrant visuals
Attendants: Customer, Drafting Manager, Drafter, Via Homes Sales & Estimating
- Review of architect’s first layout
- Scaled furniture pieces given to customer to move around rooms for perspective and room functionality
- If design meets Customer’s Program the design deposit is considered non-refundable. Customer places 2nd of Design Deposit with Insight.
- Customer receives 2 copies to mark up, change, and return
- Via Homes provides a preliminary building cost estimate
Attendants: Customer, Drafting Manager, Drafter, Via Homes Sales & Estimating
- Review changes requested by Customer
- Any budgets provided will be updated to reflect changes requested
- Project laid out on Preliminary Site Plan
Attendants: Customer, Drafting Manager, Drafter, Via Homes Sales & Estimating
- Final layout presentation of all with all changes
- Discussion of elevations
- Update of budget
- 1/3 of drafting deposit to be given
- Customer receives 2 copies of layouts
Attendants: Customer, Drafting Manager, Drafter, Via Homes Sales & Estimating
- If front elevation of home is acceptable, Insight to proceed to design all other sides
- Update of budget
- Customer receives 2 copies of elevation
Attendants: Customer, Drafting Manager, Drafter, Via Homes Sales & Estimating
- Presentation of remaining elevations
- Refinement of Site Plan
- 2nd 1/3 of drafting fees
- Engineering quote if applicable and pre-payment
- Electrical layout presentation
- Customer receives 2 plan sets
For additional drafting information please contact our office at 480-325-2200